Friday, June 15, 2012

Trouble is trouble

Anyong! Hey guys, I'm back again to update my blog here. Today is Friday and it's officially Friday night so TGIF guys :D How are you people? The whether is really hot like hell, have some caring here :) Drink more water and reduce the frequency of eating fried foods to prevent pimples  

Having some friendship problem recently and kinda headache. 
Trouble comes, sometimes I had no idea to solve it, embarrassed! Hello there, don't put a doubt and no resists please. I'm indeed talking about you but I mention here, I'm not trying to attack or any insults.

Common sense, need someone appreciate you start from you appreciate others first. Isn't friendship need tolerant? Do you ever think for people's feelings? Do you know that people cared? Think for the consequence before you had done everything. Don't keep denying whether true or false, You'll never saw your mistakes but the people surround does. 

Do you ever ask yourself "why" the friends surround you leaved you? Ever? Okay, let's think positively, as a best friends we can forgive your mistakes or shortcoming. This represent that tolerant exist in a friendship. Friends do leaved you because you can't even tolerant to them. When someone's patient reach his or her limit, she or he will do something different or even cruel! Don't blame others, but yourself. 

Best friends just like stars. When you're lost, you can identify the direction in the darkness. Firstly I think this indeed true, when the time goes friendship is an utility. Keep using each others and this friendship is really meaningless for me. Friends is the one who makes you laugh loudly but makes you cry silently. 

FRIENDS become ENEMIES. How awful it's. 

Some of life's circumstance is a lesson. Don't be stubborn and accept it. It's really good for your own. I admit that I'm not a good friend for you, a bad friend and whatsoever. 

I'm not interested to repeat your mistakes again. Combat is optional but conflict is inevitable. Stop judging each others and start debating with yourself about your personal stuff. Remember, no mercy on you. You should pay for how much you done before. 

Sorry, please don't expect for another chances because it's over. 

I don't care you read this or not, or heard from your friends. Obviously, no attacking words, no insults. I'll always respect the people that I dislike. Please read every words clearly, I afraid that you abusing entertainment network to scold people again. Immature enough~

 This is all for my blog tonight, goodnight everyone, cha-ne :)