Friday, May 6, 2011


I just noticed that , suddenly May already . Owh , I think this year quite good for me . I'm so happy in this year . Happy school reopen on January , China trip on February , nothing special on March and my dancing competition just happened a fews ago . For me , after I leave 2A , everyday is a good day for me :)

But some change a lot , really terrible . That's call a word " Friends"
All my pal change a lot , even though same school with me . They need me before , now they leave their hell and get their own friends , start to ignore and repel me . So what ! Besides that , I still got my own best friends or pal . Hahahaah . They still no changes , same as always .

Pal ? How are you all now ? I miss you all :)

Okay . Make an example . We're best friends before , we always hanged out together and he always told me what problem he need faced now ? I always be his counselor , coached him how to do , comforted him or told him how he can did . Since he transfered class , and he started to be accustomed with his new classmates , he start ignored the old one , The friend that always share a helping hand for him .

Started become proud , and high-noses . But I don't care , just I know that you style or attitude is like this so I just take it easy and I don't say anything . I think that you can find your happiness since you transfered class but that's over dude :) You make a habit , just like what I say , " A black face when you are facing me and another angles face is for another friends "

Another example is 'SHE"
Really What The Hell ! So proud . Compared Form 1 and now , she was a two different person . I'm really get mad with her ! Hey , what's wrong I dance at my house ? Did you need to keep insinuating me with your friends ? Did I insult you or say something bad to my friends ? I think you should support your pal dude !

I know . You're really a "Copy cat" . I know some one after leave primary school become so proud at her own school now . Please , stop that attitude . I know she is famous , amazing , awesome , or whatever ! But you're just ordinary , yes I know that you have your own friends on your school , but pal is your best friends that knows you more than your friend now . Think that okay .

For you all , what I say just like "BULLSHIT"
Why I want mumbling here is because you all say "we're friends forever" but you all obey this promise .
You know that ,
You can eat any kind of rice , but you cannot say any kind of words .
Just a "waste product"

I have lost confident with all of you . What gathering ! What for I spend my money to gathering with my two-faced pal but know originally pal . Better I spend it on Mother's day okay . GATHERING ! I think this is REMAIN ACTION !

Don't blame that I say something that's not suitable to say !

Not just because you're rich you ignore us
Not just because you got new friend you ignore us
Not just because you're famous and forget us

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