Friday, October 18, 2013

Honey Oat Mask

Hi readers, I'm so glad to meet you guys again and I'm so sorry that it's been a long period I didn't turn up and update anything else on here. But no worries, here it is :) Tadaaa

Well, I'm going to share one thing to you today. It's my own DIY about the facial stuff, I've been using this method for a several months and it gives a very good work on my skin. Now I want to officially introduce my DIY stuff, that is honey oat mask.

First, you've to prepare three things:
- Oat
- Honey
- Water

Alright, it's cheap and easy to find in your kitchen tho. Besides afford the expensive mask from the Pharmacy or facial shop why don't you try a mask with low cost ingredients and it's completely made from natural. Before we go into detail, I'll explain to you why oat and honey good for our skins.


- Oat has a very good skin lightening effects and helps on improve skin tones
- Oat is also knows as a very good exfoliating properties and it helps to remove the daily toxin from skin


- An effective moisturiser
- Honey has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties which helps in healing
- Honey plays a role in protecting skin from ultraviolet damage

So I have some list out some of the benefits of the honey and oat. So now we should really proceed to the way of making honey oat mask. Here you are:

As I said I've mentioned just now, you have to prepare these three things:

Then comes next,

Note: Make sure your oat has been blended into powder

2. Put in some honey sufficiently (One tablespoon) *Depends

3. Pour in one tablespoon of water 
Note: Too much water will causes the mask becomes very watery 

4. Remember, stir evenly 

5. Apply it on your face, then leave it for 15-20 minutes

So this is the way to prepare the ingredients, it's easy right and low cost. Here is the some selfie of myself while doing the mask:

So I'll stop here today, hope the mask that I've introduced just now works well on your face. So have a nice day and happy trying :)
I know it looks ugly and disgusting, but after wash it you'll probably have a beautiful skin!

So I'be been using this for several months and surprisingly my skin turns into better. That's why I keep using it twice a week. Great things is worth to try.

So there is something you have to pay attention:

- Be careful when you do the mask on your bed, because honey is sweet it causes ants
- Remember wash your face clean after apply it
- Good to try, stop if your skin gets sensitive

So far there will be no problem for me because I can show you the evidence.
The pictures below 100% non edited :


So I'll stop here today, hope the mask that I've introduced just now works well on your face. So have a nice day and happy trying :)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Friends & Enemies

I'm back yooooooooooo! *Sorry for the late update.

You've almost lived for 10 years in this Earth and what kind of person that you ever discovered? Is it you think that everyone is kind, helpful and sincere? Or just everybody is bad like evil that until it's unacceptable? or you just don't care who surrounds you and live in your own zone? Predominantly, there are friends and enemies in your life. They almost live in your life, always and forever.

Before we talk about friends, let us take a look with a picture: 


What do you know much about friends? Did you ever ask yourself what is friend?
Is that:

-They more than family
-The one who you always share secret
-Your anger releasing machine
-You live to entertain them
-They need to entertain you 
-Just purposely for fame
-Sincere to them 
-Just a part in life, they'll thrown if already useless
-Helping each others
and more....

Actually, there's three types of friends in life. 
1. Fake friends
2. Sincere, forever and permanently friends
3. Hi-bye friends

Mostly, you are difficult or too late to realize fake friend is the one who stays the longest period besides you and they actually harms you eventually. They're just like making much troubles for you but they'll solve the problem by themselves. Fake friend spreads the venoms slowly and gently. They might not directly show their real side or attacking action in front of you, they do behind. That's why backstabbers are exist. However, what they'll probably do is trying to ruin your name and image in a lot of people's front without your knowing. Or maybe they near you because of some benefits and they're trying to steal and take it. 

Not everyone is bad, there's still good people in this world. True friends always be there for you when you've trouble. They do help or protect you. There must be several reasons that you set someone to become your best friend, the one who can be trusted. It's because of maybe you and him or her have the same thoughts constantly, same attitude, a lot of similarity, or you're his or her saviour when he or she is spiritually drain or simple again on the same boat always. Yes, everyone needs true friend. A true friend gives motivation, encouragement and love to us at the same time. 

Hi-bye friend is a kind of friend that you only says HI and leave and say BYE. It's just a temporarily friend, neither true friend nor enemies. Some of the people are wise to make someone that's unnecessary in their life as Hi-bye friend. Why does we make someone as hi-bye friend? Perhaps, you can't accept she or her in your life. Maybe he or she will harms you, bringing disadvantages to you? Or you just want to know her for a while and then no more. Kay, there's too much reasons becoming someone as your Hi-bye friend in your life. 

Alright, let us talk about enemy.


Yes, I do believe that everyone has their own enemies. We make it in a many ways, example like:

#When someone grab your lover, they're the target that you want to beat them down and grab back the things that you want 
#You're the top student in class and suddenly you lose because of your classmate's improvement and effort, you'll probably take that classmate as your enemy in your studies
#Someone take down your position, you'll take them as aim and want to shot them down and climb to the highest

Enemies are everywhere. They hate you, anti you and try to destroy you. Remember, "enemies are just like energy, you create them but can't be destroyed" So what you need to do is just ignore them or trying to reconcile.

No matter how, enemies will show their real feeling towards you. They just say out what they want,they're trying to hurt you, beat you and make you down. So do you get me now? It's better to thank the existing of enemies rather than fake friends rite? 

Alright, will be stopped at her for today. Have a nice day :)