Friday, October 18, 2013

Honey Oat Mask

Hi readers, I'm so glad to meet you guys again and I'm so sorry that it's been a long period I didn't turn up and update anything else on here. But no worries, here it is :) Tadaaa

Well, I'm going to share one thing to you today. It's my own DIY about the facial stuff, I've been using this method for a several months and it gives a very good work on my skin. Now I want to officially introduce my DIY stuff, that is honey oat mask.

First, you've to prepare three things:
- Oat
- Honey
- Water

Alright, it's cheap and easy to find in your kitchen tho. Besides afford the expensive mask from the Pharmacy or facial shop why don't you try a mask with low cost ingredients and it's completely made from natural. Before we go into detail, I'll explain to you why oat and honey good for our skins.


- Oat has a very good skin lightening effects and helps on improve skin tones
- Oat is also knows as a very good exfoliating properties and it helps to remove the daily toxin from skin


- An effective moisturiser
- Honey has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties which helps in healing
- Honey plays a role in protecting skin from ultraviolet damage

So I have some list out some of the benefits of the honey and oat. So now we should really proceed to the way of making honey oat mask. Here you are:

As I said I've mentioned just now, you have to prepare these three things:

Then comes next,

Note: Make sure your oat has been blended into powder

2. Put in some honey sufficiently (One tablespoon) *Depends

3. Pour in one tablespoon of water 
Note: Too much water will causes the mask becomes very watery 

4. Remember, stir evenly 

5. Apply it on your face, then leave it for 15-20 minutes

So this is the way to prepare the ingredients, it's easy right and low cost. Here is the some selfie of myself while doing the mask:

So I'll stop here today, hope the mask that I've introduced just now works well on your face. So have a nice day and happy trying :)
I know it looks ugly and disgusting, but after wash it you'll probably have a beautiful skin!

So I'be been using this for several months and surprisingly my skin turns into better. That's why I keep using it twice a week. Great things is worth to try.

So there is something you have to pay attention:

- Be careful when you do the mask on your bed, because honey is sweet it causes ants
- Remember wash your face clean after apply it
- Good to try, stop if your skin gets sensitive

So far there will be no problem for me because I can show you the evidence.
The pictures below 100% non edited :


So I'll stop here today, hope the mask that I've introduced just now works well on your face. So have a nice day and happy trying :)

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